PrepLinc GPC Jr
Manual GPC
Cleanup System
Options & Accessories
your GP Jr System
to meet the unique needs of your laboratory |
Bottle Level Sensor
Never lose samples again because the mobile phase ran
out! With our Solvent Bottle Level Sensor, an audible alarm sound
when the mobile phase solvent level drops below the sensor. You set
the level! The sensor is fully integrated with the AccuPrep
software. If the solvent level is not replenished, the system will
pause the run at the end of the current sample to avoid later sample
loss. The sensor is invaluable if you process samples overnight. |
Uninterruptible Power Supply
With the addition of an uninterruptible power supply
to your AccuPrep GPC Cleanup System, you not only get surge
protection, you also get a unique Power Watchdog! If the UPS is required
to supply power to the AccuPrep due to a power failure, the
Power Watchdog takes notice. If, at the end of the current sample,
power has not returned, the Power Watchdog will force the system to
pause. If power is restored before the current sample is finished,
the sequence will continue without interruption. Return
to the PrepLinc™ GPC Jr Page |

Contact Us
J2 Scientific,
1901 Pennsylvania Drive, Suite C, Columbia, MO 65202
573-214-0472, 866-292-0472, Fax: 573-214-0474
© 2002 J2 Scientific, LLC
All Rights Reserved